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Dynamic Playable Ad Settings

When creating your dynamic playables, you may configure the optimisation metric and the number of impressions to allocate throughout the testing period.


Optimisation Metric

When optimising your dynamic playables, Unity Playworks Plugin uses a chosen metric in order to assess and prioritise the various creative configuration.


CTR (click-though-rate) optimises for the number of app store clicks per playable impression.

CTR optimisation can suit many use cases. For example:

  • Marketability/creative testing to understand which concepts resonate more with your target audience.
  • End cards - typically you wish to maximise the CTR for interactive end cards.
If you do not have attribution tracking enabled (see here) then you should use CTR optimisation.


IPM optimisation is available only for the ironSource ad network. We recommend that only CTR optimisation is used for other networks.

IPM (install per 1000 impressions) optimises for the number of installs per playable impression.

As a prerequisite to using IPM optimisation, you must enable attribution through Unity Playworks. See here for more information.

To maximize your performance, you can test different concept variances using IPM optimisation.

Sample Size

Default settings

  • CTR: 333 impressions
  • IPM: 3000 impressions

When running a dynamic playable ad, each permutation is given an allocated number of impressions before a decision is made.

By editing the sample size, you can control this allocation.


  • For low CTR or IPM playables, you may wish to increase the sample size to improve the accuracy of the test


Can I change my optimisation metric once the ad has gone live?

Yes. However, please note the test will start again and the configuration-level metrics will be reset. Overall performance metrics (i.e. impressions, average CTR) will not be lost.